
Custom Modern Player for Articulate Storyline 360

This widget allows customizing the Modern Player colors in Storyline 360.

You will start with the base Storyline colors and make changes to the theme where needed. The player is added to your Storyline project via a JavaScript trigger. Because the colors you save are pulled directly from the Cluelabs database, you won't need to re-publish your project if you decide to change the colors later – you will only need to make a change in an editor.

eLearning Widgets for Articulate Storyline and Adobe Captivate


Free to use up to 1,000 times per month, paid plans start from $6.95/month.

Ideas for using the Custom Player Colors widget for Storyline 360 in elearning

Match the player to the design of your elearning course

idea 1

Make the player colors consistent with the corporate colors

idea 2

Use bright colors to make the player features stand out

idea 3

Use subtle colors to focus attention on the learning content

idea 4

Customize features that can't be customized in Storyline alone

idea 5

Offer the learner to select the player to use in the module itself

idea 6

Supported authoring tools

Articulate Storyline