
Data Cloud eLearning Widget

for Articulate Storyline and Adobe Captivate

This widget provides a non-LMS option to save data entered by the learner or generated in the learning course.

You can access the learning records online as well as import data back into the course if needed. The widget supports 3 types of fields: Text, Numeric, and Boolean. You will first set up a table for your records and will then use triggers in Articulate Storyline or actions in Adobe Captivate to save the data from the course to the cloud.

eLearning Widgets for Articulate Storyline and Adobe Captivate


Free to process up to 100 data points per month, paid plans start from $6.95/month.

Use Case Example

Marla is an instructional designer building a compliance elearning course. She wants to know whether the learners click on the optional “Learn More” button on one of the slides, and how this action correlates with the final quiz scores.

Marla sets up a data table containing two fields:

  • “Clicked” – a Boolean field that will indicate whether the learner clicked on the button, and,
  • “Score” – a numeric field that will store the learner’s final score.

She then adds a trigger in Storyline to set the value of “Clicked” to True whenever the button is clicked. She also adds a trigger to set the value of “Score” to the number of points the learner scored in the quiz.

Marla deploys her course and, as learners complete it, keeps an eye on the records populating in the data table to find out whether clicking the button results in higher quiz scores.

Data Cloud FAQs

How can I save learners' scores without a learning management system?
You can capture and store learners' scores in a data table directly from your elearning course. This setup allows for immediate access to scores for review and analysis, enabling a comprehensive assessment of learner performance without an LMS.
How can I track learner's progress throughout a course without an LMS?
To monitor a learner's progress, you can implement cloud-based tracking that logs each step a learner takes within the course. This method provides detailed insights into where they are excelling or struggling, facilitating targeted instructional interventions.
Can I store responses that learners provide during knowledge checks?
Yes, responses to knowledge checks can be directly saved to a cloud table. This allows you to analyze the responses to understand learning patterns, measure comprehension, and adjust course content dynamically based on learner feedback.
How can I record and analyze actions that learners take within my course?
By setting up action-specific triggers within your course, you can record each interaction learners have with the course material, from clicking links to accessing resources. This data is invaluable for understanding how learners engage with the content and identifying which elements are most effective.
What tools help monitor how learners utilize the course?
Use Data Cloud to gather comprehensive data on how learners utilize different parts of the course, providing analytics on the most and least popular sections. This enables you to optimize the course structure based on actual usage patterns.
How can I keep track of custom variables in my elearning course?
Custom variables such as selections, path decisions, and other interactions can be recorded in a data table. These variables can be defined and logged based on your specific course requirements, allowing for detailed customization and refinement of the learning experience.