The problem: We have a list of user emails in Google Sheets. When a user starts a course, we want to be able to authenticate them using their email address. Once authenticated, the course should pull other information about this user from Google Sheets. Is this possible?
The response: If you’re comfortable with formulas, you should have no issues achieving this with the Google Sheets widget for Articulate Storyline.
TL;DR: When it says in the widget instructions to create the stencilsheetstoken variable – this variable stores the row number of the user. So if you can use a formula to find the correct row number by email and then save that number into stencilsheetstoken then the user will get data from that row.
The workflow:
1. Initialize the Sheets widgets normally.
2. Use SheetsSet to write a formula to search for the email.
3. Use SheetsGet to read the calculated value of the formula with the result.
4. Extract the row number from the result and save it into stencilsheetstoken.
5. Use SheetsGet to read the user’s data from the spreadsheet as needed.
Detailed instructions to read user’s data from Google Sheets after matching the user by email:
1. Locate the Google Sheets document you will be working with and connect it to the widget.

2. Download the Sheets Widget starter file for Articulate Storyline and set the widget ID variable as instructed.

3. Create a slide with a text entry box; create variables as needed.

4. Add a trigger to write a lookup formula to the sheet after the user enters the email address and then immediately save the calculated value of the formula to variable ‘stencilsheetstoken’:

5. Add a trigger to read the user’s first and last names and score from the document when variable stencilsheetstoken changes:

6. Publish and test your project. Note that the API provided by Google is quite slow and it may take a few seconds for multiple calls to execute.

This article is available in multiple languages:
Authenticating a User in Articulate Storyline with the Help of the Google Sheets Widget
Authentifizierung Eines Benutzers in Articulate Storyline mit Hilfe des Google Sheets Widgets
Authentification d’un Utilisateur dans Articulate Storyline à l’aide du Widget Google Sheets
Autenticando a un Usuario en Articulate Storyline con la Ayuda del Widget de Google Sheets
Autenticazione di un Utente in Articulate Storyline con l’Aiuto del Widget di Google Sheets
Autenticando um Usuário no Articulate Storyline com a Ajuda do Widget do Google Sheets
Een Gebruiker Authenticeren in Articulate Storyline met de Hulp van de Google Sheets Widget
Аутентифікація Користувача в Articulate Storyline за Допомогою Віджета Google Sheets
Uwierzytelnianie Użytkownika w Articulate Storyline za Pomocą Widżetu Google Sheets
Autentisering av en Användare i Articulate Storyline med Hjälp av Google Sheets Widgeten
Autentisering av en Bruker i Articulate Storyline med Hjelp av Google Sheets-Widgeten
Autentificering af en Bruger i Articulate Storyline med Hjælp fra Google Sheets Widgeten
Аутентификация Пользователя в Articulate Storyline с Помощью Виджета Google Sheets
Google Sheets Widget Yardımıyla Articulate Storyline’da Bir Kullanıcının Kimliğini Doğrulama