I'm using the beta feature that allows you to upload a word file when using the PDF maker feature. I had no problems uploading a Word file, but when I added the javascript into my Storyline file and generated the PDF, the PDF did not have even half of the elements of the Word file I uploaded and the formatting was a lot different. Is there an example Word file I can follow or a guide that would help me design a Word file that would work well with this feature? I'd rather not design multiple Word files to try to figure this out if there is something that can help me figure it out sooner. Thanks!
Posted on 3/18/2024
Please type your reply.
Hello. Thank you very much for reporting this, we are looking into your file to see what we need to adjust to make sure all elements render properly. In the meantime, if you want to convert it into Google Docs instead, you should be able to use it that way.
Posted on 3/18/2024
Hi, I appreciate the quick response. I converted the file to a Google Docs file and had no issue getting it to work as expected, including all input from the Storyline course filling in. Unfortunately, I work at a company where our employees cannot access Google Docs/Drive while on the VPN, which is why I was hoping the option to upload a Word file would work! Thanks in advance for any insight you can provide.
Posted on 3/18/2024
Hello. We've made some changes to how PDF Maker processes Word files uploads, the formatting should now work well across different use cases. Please don't hesitate to let us know if you see any other issues. Thank you!