In Storyline have multiple fillable textboxes, each textbox has two object triggers.
First: Set TextBoxName equals to the typed value; When TextBox_Name loses focus
Second: Execute JaveScript; When Textbox_Name loses focus
The JavaScript is: CloudSet('textboxnamesuggestions', 'value');
Question: What goes in the 'value' area so that when the user fills in the textbox their answer is recorded. Do I need to create a variable to hold that data in Storyline, if so what does that look like?
Currently, when I put text into one of the textboxes I just get the word "value"
Here is the storyline review file - issue on slide 3 -
Posted on 3/9/2022
Please type your reply.
That's more of a Storyline question, not widget specific. To get a Storyline variable with javascript you would use the player.GetVar function. See, for example,
So in your case, you would do something like this: var player=GetPlayer(); var TextBoxName = player.GetVar("TextBoxName"); CloudSet('textboxnamesuggestions', TextBoxName);