Problem with character limit / AI Text limit in plan
I have long knowledge base instructions for the chatbot (about 30.000 characters). As far as I can see these are loaded everytime I start a dialog.
Is it possible to do this just for the first conversation for a user? Or is there another way to include this and not to have it loaded everytime? Otherwise this will exceed the limit to fast or it will get too expensive for me to use this.

You have to send the entire knowledge base with each message because the user might have a question regarding the knowledge base not only in their first message but in all follow-up messages as well.

I would suggest reviewing your knowledge base - most likely not everything in those 30000 characters is useful information. You can go through your text (or use ChatGPT maybe?) to remove unnecessary clutter and leave only the text that provides useful details.

Or, if you have a unique use case where the second and all following messages do not need to consider the knowledge base - just switch to another chatbot (that does not have the long knowledge base) after the first message by updating the widget ID variable with a trigger.