Hi, I need to iterate over multiple rows to get a 'complete' (yes/no) value, corresponding to a userid.
I am using the variable sencilsheetstoken to iterate over all the rows
The javascript could be like:
var player = GetPlayer(); var row = player.GetVar('stencilsheetstoken'); var i; for (i = 0; i < row.length(); i++) { if (SheetsGet('user_id', 'bruger_id') == '4') { SheetsGet('complete', 'bruger_complete') } row++; }
My question is: Does it with this solution count 1 api call for each row, eg. if I have 1000 rows, it is 1000 api calls and 1$?
And if that's the case, is there a better solution?
Thanks. Morten
Posted on 3/6/2022
Please type your reply.
Morten, you are correct. Every time you call SheetsGet or SheetsSet, each call counts as one API call.