Is there a way to track the results and their name from storyline 360 quiz
Is there a way to track the name and final score from the results slide in my storyline 360 course, like in google sheets. I see your tutorials on how to do it by question but not the results final score. I have a text entry variable on the first screen to enter their name to begin already but I need to somehow get that info entered and their final score from the results slide to a sheet or any other way for me just to track who took my course and what they received.
Google Sheets doesn't care what kind of information the text you send carries - for example, whether it's a question response or a person's name. So the way the tutorial you referenced saves variables by question would be the same way you would use to save the person's name or score - the function SheetsSet().

If your question is regarding how to get someone's name or score into a variable - it's a Storyline question, not a Cluelabs question. Articulate has a lot of online resources about variables. This could be a good starting point:
Hi, thanks for your response. I wish it was that easy but unfortunately just putting the SheetsSet() to get the score over to the sheet doesn't work. There is more javascript code needed to get it there. I was on with Storyline support last night and they are unable to help as well because they do not support javasscript coding. The functionality is there and the capability however, you have to know the javascript coding to do so. Its kind of like, Storyline set it up to let it work and export it over to sheets but its your responsibility to know the coding to get it there. I have looked at online resources all evening to see what I could find but unfortunately not for my specific issue. Just thought I might ask you since I know this isn't the first time someone has asked this before. Thank you for trying to help though.
Let's do this: upload your .story file with the JS code you're trying to make work and I'll be able to tell you what's wrong there.
Okay, where am uploading it because it won't let me do it here.
You can use any file sharing service of your choice (WeTransfer, Google Drive, Dropbox, anything else) and post the link in a response below.

This was a guess, so I know its not right...this was also set up with was per other forums I saw that said to try it this way but it still does not work.

var player = GetPlayer();
SheetsSet('Quiz2ScorePoints', player.GetVar('Quiz2ScorePoints'));

Google Sheet:
It actually looks like you did everything right. The issue you have with the score is due to Storyline not allowing JavaScript to access system variables so it's not you.

You would need to have your own variable that tallies up the scores. For example, create one variable per question (q1score, q2score,...) Set q1score to 10 when the correct layer is shown and to 0 when the incorrect layer is shown, etc.

On the result slide, before all the JavaScript, add up your variables q1score, q2score,... into quizpoints and then write the quiz points to your Google Sheets.

You're definitely on the right track.
Well that is good to hear. Thank you for confirming its not me and how to do it properly. Yikes, I will have to marinate and dissect your instructions a bit. I will let you know if I was ever able to get it work. Thank you again.
Okay, I added separate variables for each question that tallies the scores q1score to 10 when the correct layer is shown and 0 when the incorrect layer is shown.

I am stuck after that when I get to the results slide to add the variables up into quizpoints and writing them into the sheet.

I have tried several different ways. I added a trigger to add each qscore to quizpoints. I tried putting the equation of adding them all up in the script. Both didn't work. What am I doing wrong. I kept both of the in there so you can see what I tried. I did either or, and I tried both in there. Nothing.

Here's your file [LINK]

The first line in that trigger ("quizpoints = q1score + q2score +...") was not a valid JavaScript and so it was breaking everything. I replaced it with proper JavaScript and removed the addition triggers as they were no longer necessary.

The code is fine now, just note that there's still a problem with your Storyline logic on the question slides because your "Jump to next slide" triggers go before "Set value..." triggers. So the set value part never happens due to the fact that you have exited the slide before you had a chance to get to that bottom trigger. So unless you move those triggers up, the scores will always be zero.
Thank you so much! I didn't even notice that. That's what I get for working so late. All fixed and works now.