Download not happening
Hi Lester,
I'm trying to build a new Storyline interaction with a longer PDF than I have attempted before. I'm confident I've done something wrong, but I keep getting hung with downloads (message: Generating PDF, download should begin shortly) not happening when I publish my SL, place it into my course, and attempt to test the PDF I have built in. My other PDF maker courses are working but this one is not. Is there a limitation on how many fields the PDF maker will work with? Thanks in advance!

Hi Michelle,

For some reason, the script was breaking with an error "Invalid image ... image1.emf" - the graphic in the document. I saved it as a JPEG on my computer and replaced the graphic in the Word file, and now the file works. Here's your updated document: [LINK]

I uploaded it for you to the widget page, so you're good to go, you don't need to do anything, the script should work.

This is certainly something that needs to be looked into, sorry about this and thank you for reporting. In the meantime, your PDFs should now work.
Thank you for the speedy response. I just tested it and it works perfectly!