I'm attempting to follow ex. 3 from this post (https://cluelabs.com/community/forum/topic/saving-data-with-triggers-in-articulate-storyline-examples/) in order to capture name input from a text entry box. I can't seem to get it to route to my data cloud. Are there possible Storyline updates that change this code? Do I need to create a separate variable to make var player = GetPlayer(); var entry = player.GetVar("TextEntry1"); CloudSet('reflection', entry); work?
Is there any way to share my .story with you all? I was successful in recording pass/fail. Maybe there is an even easier way to record learner names by modifying stencilusertoken?
Thanks for your time!
Posted on 3/6/2022
Please type your reply.
Hi Tyler,
The 3-line code you posted looks good. If everything is good on the slide, it should work. Feel free to upload your .story file using WeTransfer or Dropbox and post the link in a response below.
Posted on 3/6/2022
Thanks so much. Here is a link to my test project: https://www.dropbox.com/s/b9pb79jyc4sto0n/cloud%20test.story?dl=0
If you have any better suggestions for capturing learner names, please let me know. I need a data cloud which shows who took the course and reports they successfully passed.
Posted on 3/6/2022
Tyler, the project seems to be missing the code from steps 2 and 3 of the "how to use.." instructions:
Locate the main Master Slide in your course, create a new trigger that executes when timeline starts, select Execute JavaScript.
Paste the following code into the script window
Posted on 3/6/2022
That is so bizarre. Sorry about that. It was definitely there before I shared with you, because I was successfully registering pass/fail but not the name entry. I have added it back and re-uploaded the project.
The names still aren't registering to the data cloud.
Posted on 3/6/2022
Now you have the code on the first Master group, but your slide uses the second Master group. In addition, there's also an initialization code on the fourth master slide in the second group (used by the question slide, but not the intro slide).
Posted on 3/6/2022
That did the trick. I need to go back and educate myself on master slides.
This is an awesome product, and I really appreciate your time!