Hello, I'm writing to get some crucial info from you; hope you can help.
I'm noticing that for this last month the number of API calls for a player reached the limit of 1000 calls, and that seemed ok since that player has been placed on 3 different SCORMS. The problem though is i can see in my dashboard that the number of call increases each minute, even very late at night when it's very unlikely any user will load the courses.
I'd like to know what may cause the problem, and what are the criteria that make the count increase each minute. Thanks in advance for your help
This is the link at the widget : https://cluelabs.com/stencil/display/widget-slplayer-display?v=1596106358&chart=NDQ5fDE0NjJ8OGVlMTRjNGIwNDA0MDZhNjY0NGJkOWM2ZDRlMzEwN2E
Posted on 3/6/2022
Please type your reply.
Hello. The only way to call the API is through the URL. So you should make sure it's not being called/clicked on. Additionally, if you remove the widget, it will become impossible to use the widget and make further calls.
Posted on 3/6/2022
Thank you John.
Is it possibile to have a log file with the API calls ?
Posted on 3/6/2022
Currently, there is no way for you too see the log, but we're planning to roll out a logging option very soon. One note, it will most likely be a paid feature.